Beagle Dog Holiday Blog - Day Two, Gwbert, Mwnt and Tresaith

Beagle Dog Holiday Blog - Day Two, Gwbert, Mwnt and Tresaith

What a view! We arrived in the dark last night so this mornings trip to the garden was a surprise for us all. How invigorating to pee with the sea wind in your ears!


After the garden we have breakfast and then i pop back to bed for a snooze with Dad while Mum and Chilli explore the field in front of the house. Why anyone would want to run around at such an unearthly hour baffles me but Chilli seems especially pleased by the discovery of a field so close to the house.


Turns out we're staying in a village called Gwbert on the lower half of Cardigan Bay. Janine, the owner of our holiday place pops over to say hello and seems especially interested to find out a beagle is visiting. It's understandable, we are fine specimens after all. We find out later in the holiday that her son also has a beagle. The subject arises while Mum is apologising for something I’ve apparently done (never Beagle Dog Holiday Blog Day 4 to find out about the alleged 'incident') to which Janine responds that 'she knows what beagles are like'. I have no idea what she's insinuating.

What is certain is that Janine has one cracking house and it's nice of her to let me stay. For more information on the house, head over to West Wales Holidays and look at the information for Gerylli.

The house has 11 beds....11!!! Even i will struggle to give sufficient time to each. But i will try my best. My favourite places to be are on top of the table in the kitchen which offers panoramic views of the kitchen top.


Also the sofa offers those all important views without the inconvenience of having to walk anywhere.


Once everyone is up and dressed, off we go in Cliff for our trip to Mwnt. My goodness me i have never seen so many sheep. This little jaunt includes an amble down to the beach where Dad is very impressed at my mountain goat abilities over the rocks, a wander to the church and then a very thankful climb back into a warm car away from the cold and rain.


Our next stop, the pub. And what a pub! Unfortunately Mum and Dad are mean and leave us in the car while they have a bite to eat. Apparently we 'can't be trusted in a busy pub'. Simply because i have been known to help myself to peoples food when they haven't been giving it the attention it deserves. Honestly, people can be so sensitive. I spend the entire time staring at Mum from the car while she is eating to ensure she feels maximum guilt for her treachery.

After this, a trip to Tresaith beach and afterwards i am wrapped up in my blanket coat and fed with schmackos.


Back into Cliff we go and head back to the cottage for a hot tub session, a chill out and finally bed.