Stop testing on us!

MBR (MarshallBioResources) Acres and others like it are industrial organisations that breed beagles solely for animal testing. Beagles bred there are never taken for walks, allowed to raid bins, or allowed to sleep in the middle of their humans king size beds. Instead they are shipped out to have all manner of nasty chemicals and medicines tested on them. Pictures and stories of the tests they carry out are heartbreaking. We won't share them here but if you're unconvinced of the need for animal testing to stop, a quick Google search for 'MBR beagles' should provide you with all the information you need.

There’s a lot of evidence to suggest animal testing isn’t efficient (in fact 90% of medications approved for human use after animal testing proved ineffective or harmful to humans in clinical trials) and scientific advances, in particular stem cell research, means we now have other options.

Alongside a range of other animals at the lab (reported as being guinea pigs, mice, ferrets and miniature pigs), we beagles are used apparently because we are small and because we have a desire to please. While Mum says I missed the memo on both of these, lots of my beagle buddies are, to their detriment, far more accommodating and suffer as a result.

No one is denying research is necessary but it shouldn’t be at the expense of animals suffering. This is 2021, we beagles deserve better!

Please click and sign the petition to help us change the law 🙏

Petition: Change the law to include laboratory animals in the Animal Welfare Act.
The Government needs to change the law so laboratory animals are included in the Animal Welfare Act. Laboratory animals are currently not protected by the Act and are therefore victims of ‘unnecessary suffering’ (see section 4 of the Act: